MPIfG Journal Articles
In der Reihe MPIfG Journal Articles erscheinen Aufsätze der Mitarbeiter online, die zuvor in wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften mit Peer-Review-Verfahren veröffentlicht wurden. Aufsätze von Gästen, die während ihres Aufenthalts am Institut entstanden sind, werden ebenfalls in die Reihe aufgenommen.
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Shielding Competitiveness: Germany’s Wage Policy during the Inflation Shock Years in Comparative Perspective. In: Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 2024.
, , Martin Höpner
Growth Coalitions Within a Corporatist Setting: How Manufacturing Interests Dominated the German Response to the Energy Crisis. In: Politics & Society, 2024.Shared Jobs, Shared Trajectories? Employer Groups and the Regulation of Part-Time Work in Germany and the Netherlands. In: German Politics, 2024.
Growth Models and Voter Preferences: The Moderating Impact of Export-Led Growth on Centre-Left Voters. In: Journal of European Public Policy, 2024.
The Wind of No Change: Union Effects on Partisan Preferences and the Working-Class Metamorphosis. In: West European Politics, 2024.
Signaling Virtue or Vulnerability? The Changing Impact of EMU on Government Bond Spreads. In: Socio-Economic Review, 2024.
Blending In or Standing Out? Gendered Political Communication in 24 Democracies. In: American Journal of Political Science, 2024.
Mexico’s Battle with Monopolies: Reputation-Based Autonomy and Self-Undermining Effects in Antitrust Enforcement. In: Socio-Economic Review, 2024.
The Gender (Tax) Gap in Parental Transfers: Evidence from Administrative Inheritance and Gift Tax Data. In: Socio-Economic Review, 2024.
Preferences for Growth Strategies in Advanced Democracies: A New "Representation Gap"?. In: European Journal of Political Research, 2024.
Structure, Agency, and Structural Reform: The Case of the European Central Bank. In: Perspectives on Politics, 2024.
Another Strange Non-Death: The NAIRU and the Ideational Foundations of the Federal Reserve’s New Monetary Policy Framework. In: Review of International Political Economy 31(3), 2024, 805–830.
Tying Your Hands and Getting Stuck? The European Origins of Italy's Economic Stagnation. In: Review of Political Economy 36(3), 2024, 1104–1129.
Operationalizing Growth Models. In: Quality & Quantity 58(2), 2024, 1325–1360.
Varieties of Wealth: Toward a Comparative Sociology of Wealth Inequality. In: Socio-Economic Review 22(2), 2024, 475–499.