Crisis and Control: Institutional Change in Financial Market Regulation

Renate Mayntz (ed.)

19. April 2012

MPIfG Book


Frankfurt a. M.: Campus, 2012
299 pages
ISBN 978-3-593-39505-0 (paperback)

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» Chapter 1 [PDF]
Mayntz, Renate (Hrsg.)
Crisis and Control: Institutional Change in Financial Market Regulation. Schriften aus dem Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, Band 75. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus Verlag, 2012.


In reaction to the international financial crisis of 2007, a network of social scientists from seven countries analyzed the various changes in the regulation of financial markets, and this book presents their results. The articles published herein show patterns of institutional change that were triggered by the economic crisis on different political levels, of their implementation and effectiveness, as well as their results. An indispensible tool for political scientists, Crisis and Control contributes significantly to the theory of institutional change.


1   Institutional Change in the Regulation of Financial Markets: Questions and Answers
Renate Mayntz
2   The Two-Tiered Politics of Financial Reform in the United States
John T. Woolley and J. Nicholas Ziegler
3   Post-Crisis Financial Regulation in Britain
Sukhdev Johal, Michael Moran and Karel Williams
4   International Radicalism, Domestic Conformism: France's Ambiguous Stance on Financial Reforms
Nicolas Jabko
5   Institutional Change in German Financial Regulation
Stefan Handke and Hubert Zimmermann
6   Increasing Vulnerability: Financial Market Regulation in Switzerland
Simon Steinlin and Christine Trampusch
7   The Regulatory Response of the European Union to the Global Financial Crisis
Lucia Quaglia
8   The Defense of Economic Interests in the European Union: The Case of Hedge Fund Regulation
Cornelia Woll
9   What's the Problem? Competing Diagnoses and Shifting Coalitions in the Reform of International Accounting Standards
Paul Lagneau-Ymonet and Sigrid Quack
10   New Capital Rules? Reforming Basel Banking Standards after the Financial Crisis
Roman Goldbach and Dieter Kerwer
11   Institutional Change at the Top: From the Financial Stability Forum to the Financial Stability Board
Shawn Donnelly
12   The International Financial Architecture: Plus ça change …?
Geoffrey R. D. Underhill and Jasper Blom


Renate Mayntz

Renate Mayntz is Director emeritus at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, Germany.

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