Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Streeck

Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Streeck

Bücher - Monografien und Herausgeberbände

Taking Back Control? States and State Systems After Globalism

MPIfG Book
Taking Back Control? analyses the ongoing tug-of-war between the forces of globalism and democracy, of centralization and decentralization, and unification and differentiation of states and state systems, and how they are tied to the advance of global capitalism and the prospects for its social and democratic regulation. Exploring the possibility for states and the societies they govern… mehr

Democracy at Work: Contract, Status and Post-Industrial Justice

MPIfG Book
In the countries of the global North, workplace democracy may be thought of as a thing of the past. Increasingly, working relations are regulated primarily by contract; workforces are fissured and fragmented. What are the consequences of this? How should we respond? Ruth Dukes and Wolfgang Streeck argue that the time is ripe to restate the principles of industrial democracy and… mehr

Zwischen Globalismus und Demokratie: Politische Ökonomie im ausgehenden Neoliberalismus

MPIfG Buch
In der Hochphase des Neoliberalismus galt die Globalisierung als unvermeidlich und die umverteilende Demokratie als überholt. Wachsender Wohlstand für alle war das Versprechen, wachsende Unfähigkeit, die kapitalistische Ungleichheitsmaschine zu bändigen, ist das Ergebnis. Taumelnde Volksparteien, schrumpfende Gewerkschaften und grassierende Zweifel an der Leistungsfähigkeit… mehr

Critical Encounters: Capitalism, Democracy, Ideas

MPIfG Book
From the acclaimed author of How Will Capitalism End? comes an omnibus of long-form critical essays engaging with leading economists and thinkers. Critical Encounters draws on Wolfgang Streeck’s inimitable writing for the London Review of Books and New Left Review, among other publications. It opens with treatments of two contrasting historical eras – factory capitalism andmehr

<div class="edition-single--book-subtitle">Buying Time: The Delayed Crisis of Democratic Capitalism</div>

MPIfG Book
In this new edition of a highly acclaimed book, Wolfgang Streeck revisits his recent arguments in the light of Brexit and the continued crisis of the EU. These developments are only the latest events in the long neoliberal transformation of postwar capitalism that began in the 1970s, a process that turned states away from tax toward debt as a source of revenue, and from that point into… mehr

How Will Capitalism End? Essays on a Failing System

MPIfG Book
Capitalism is in critical condition. Growth is giving way to secular stagnation, inequality is leading to instability, and confidence in the capitalist money economy has all but evaporated. In How Will Capitalism End?, Wolfgang Streeck, an observer of contemporary politics and economics, argues that capitalism’s shotgun marriage with democracy that began in 1945 is breaking up because… mehr

Gekaufte Zeit: Die vertagte Krise des demokratischen Kapitalismus

MPIfG Buch
Wolfgang Streeck legt in seiner Frankfurter Adorno-Vorlesung die Wurzeln der gegenwärtigen Krise frei,  indem er sie als Moment der langen neoliberalen Transformation des Nachkriegskapitalismus beschreibt, die bereits in den 1970er-Jahren begann. Er analysiert, wie sich die Spannung zwischen Demokratie und Kapitalismus über vier Jahrzehnte entfaltet hat und welche Konflikte daraus… mehr

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