Whither Democratic Capitalism? Transformations, Struggles, and Imaginaries of the Future
Online Kick-off Workshop
- Beginn: 10.03.2021
- Ende: 12.03.2021
- Ort: online
- Gastgeber: MPIfG | Socioeconomic Transformations Observatory of the MPIfG in Chile
- Kontakt: info@mpifg.de
Contemporary societies are facing daunting challenges. Global processes like financialization, automatization and robotics, secular stagnation, climate change, rising inequalities, and the politics of populism are significantly altering the functioning of capitalism and democracy. The responses to these challenges in the next decades will significantly shape the future of the economy and of humanity as a whole. This conference seeks to examine contemporary transformations of three core realms affecting the future economy: the public sphere where expectations about economic processes are formed; policymaking processes where public interventions on the economy are decided; and the state as a key economic actor. With a focus on two regions representing different capitalist and democratic dynamics (Europe and Latin America), and using an array of methodologies, the papers will analyze ongoing political-economic transformations, the underlying political struggles, and the emerging imaginaries of the future.