Prof. Dr. Lucio BaccaroPublikationen

Prof. Dr. Lucio Baccaro

Beitrag in Sammelwerk (2)

Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Armingeon, Klaus, Lucio Baccaro
The Sorrows of Young Euro: The Sovereign Debt Crises of Ireland and Southern Europe. In: Nancy Bermeo, Jonas Pontusson (Hrsg.), Coping with Crisis: Government Reactions to the Great Recession. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2012, 162–197.
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Is Civil Dialogue Deliberative?. In: Jean De Munck, Claude Didry, Isabelle Ferreras, Annette Jobert (Hrsg.), Renewing Democratic Deliberation in Europe: The Challenge of Social and Civil Dialogue. Work & Society. Bruxelles: Lang, 2012, 201–215.

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Armingeon, Klaus, Lucio Baccaro
Political Economy of the Sovereign Debt Crisis: The Limits of Internal Devaluation. In: Industrial Law Journal 41(3), 2012, 254–275.
Modelli di capitalismo e redistribuzione. In: Il Mulino, 5, 2012, 858–868.
Baccaro, Lucio, Stefan Heeb
Tripartite Responses to the Global Financial Crisis: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis. In: Swiss Journal of Sociology 38(3), 2012, 349–374.
Baccaro, Lucio, Chris Howell
Il cambiamento delle relazioni industriali nel capitalismo avanzato: Una traiettoria comune. In: Quaderni di Rassegna Sindacale 13(1), 2012, 13–73.
Baccaro, Lucio, Valentina Mele
Pathology of Path Dependency? The ILO and the Challenge of New Governance. In: Industrial and Labor Relations Review 65(2), 2012, 195–224.
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