Comparing Welfare Capitalism: Social Policy and Political Economy in Europe, Japan and the USA

Bernhard Ebbinghaus, Philip Manow (eds.)

September 06, 2001

MPIfG Book


Routledge/EUI Studies in the Political Economy of the Welfare State 3
London, New York: Routledge, 2001
352 pages
ISBN 9-780-415-40653-6 (paperback)
ISBN 9-780-415-25571-4 (hardback)

» Publisher's page
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard, Philip Manow (eds.)
Comparing Welfare Capitalism: Social Policy and Political Economy in Europe, Japan and the USA. Routledge/EUI Studies in the Political Economy of Welfare, Volume 3. London: Routledge, 2001.


This book challenges the popular thesis of a downward trend in the viability of welfare states in competitive market economies. With approaches ranging from historical case studies to cross-national analyses, the contributors explore various aspects of the relationships between welfare states, industrial relations, financial government and production systems. Building upon and combining comparative studies of both the varieties of capitalism and the worlds of welfare state regimes, the book considers issues such as the role of employers and unions in social policy, the interdependencies between financial markets and pension systems, and the current welfare reform process. Comparing Welfare Capitalism sheds new light on the tenuous relationship between social policies and market economies.


Part I   The origins and development of welfare capitalism
1 Introduction: studying varieties of welfare capitalism
Bernhard Ebbinghaus and Philip Manow
Part II   Industrial relations and welfare state regimes
1 Introduction: studying varieties of welfare capitalism
Bernhard Ebbinghaus and Philip Manow  
2 Business coordination, wage bargaining and the welfare state: Germany and Japan in comparative historical perspective
Philip Manow  
3 Strategic bargaining and social policy development: unemployment insurance in France and Germany
Isabela Mares  
4 When labour and capital collude: the political economy of early retirement in Europe, Japan and the USA
Bernhard Ebbinghaus  
5 Welfare state regimes and industrial relations systems: the questionable role of path dependency theory
Colin Crouch  
6 Social partnership, welfare state regimes and working time in Europe
Hugh Compston  
7 The governance of the employment-welfare relationship in Britain and Germany
Anke Hassel  
Part III   Pension regimes and financial systems
8 Between financial commitment, market liquidity and corporate governance: occupational pensions in Britain, Germany, Japan and the USA
Gregory Jackson and Sigurt Vitols  
9 The forgotten link: the financial regulation of Japanese pensions funds in comparative perspective
Margarita Estevez-Abe  
Part IV   The political economy of welfare state reform
10 The experience of negotiated reforms in the Dutch and German welfare states
Anton Hemerijck and Philip Manow  
11 The challenge of de-industrialisation: divergent ideological responses to welfare state reform
Anne Wren  
12 Employment and the welfare state: a continental dilemma
Fritz W. Scharpf
Part V   Conclusions
13 The politics of elective affinities: a commentary
Michael Shalev
14 Varieties of welfare capitalism: an outlook on future directions of research
Bernhard Ebbinghaus and PhilipManow


Bernhard Ebbinghaus

Bernhard Ebbinghaus is Senior Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG) in Cologne. He was a John F. Kennedy Fellow (1999/ 2000) at the Centre for European Studies (CES) at Harvard University and has co-authored a comparative handbook, Trade Unions in Western Europe since 1945.

Philip Manow

Philip Manow is Assistant Professor in the department of Politics and Management, University of Konstanz. From 1990-2000 he was a research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies. He has written two books on German health policy and published widely on social policy.

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