News and Press Releases

Alumni Reception at SASE conference in Limerick

On June 28, the MPIfG’s sixth alumni reception took place at the annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) in Limerick. Away from the hectic activity of the conference, the reception was an opportunity for around 60 former and current MPIfG researchers to meet in a relaxed atmosphere, network, and make new connections. more

<span><span>Melike Arslan Joins Loughborough University</span></span>

In August this year, Melike Arslan will take up a post as a lecturer at the Institute for International Management of Loughborough University London. A sociologist, who has been a postdoctoral researcher in Jens Beckert’s Economic Sociology Research Area since 2022, Arslan focuses in her research on the legal and regulatory infrastructure of market economies in comparative and international perspective. more

Mischa Stratenwerth Awarded Doctorate

Mischa Stratenwerth successfully defended his doctoral thesis at the beginning of June. In “Interest Groups and Macroeconomic Policy in the Export-led German Growth Model: Business Associations, Trade Unions, and the Reproduction of the Undervaluation Regime,” Stratenwerth examines how national economic growth models are shaped by macroeconomic policies, institutions, and ideas. more

Elizabeth Soer Receives Doctorate

Elizabeth Soer was awarded her doctorate by the University of Cologne in June. In her dissertation project, “Imaginaries of Freedom: How Imagined Futures Shaped South Africa’s Transition from Apartheid, 1976–1996,” she examined the transition to democracy in South Africa. more

“Political Economy of Low-Carbon Transitions”: Joint MPIfG and AxPo Workshop

The MPIfG and the AxPo Observatory of Market Society Polarization of Sciences Po, Paris, jointly organized a workshop at the MPIfG in Cologne on June 6 and 7. A central theme of the event on the political economy of low-carbon transitions was the influence of economic and political choices on the persistence or transformation of carbon societies and the how the green transformation is shaped by balances of power between fossil and green interests and by party political strategies. more

Timur Ergen Re-elected to SASE Executive Council

In its June elections the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) re-elected Timur Ergen to the Executive Council. Founded in 1989 by Amitai Etzioni, SASE is an international, interdisciplinary organization that brings together scholars, primarily from the fields of economic sociology and political economy. more

Birthday Celebration at the MPIfG

A celebration in honor of Renate Mayntz’s 95th birthday in April this year was held at the MPIfG in Cologne and attended by current and former Institute employees, alumni, and associates. Joining the well-wishers in congratulating the MPIfG’s founding director, Jens Beckert, Wolfgang Streeck, and Rudolf Stichweh paid tribute in their speeches to the sociologist’s impressive body of work. more

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