News and Press Releases

Lisa Suckert Joins the University of Antwerp

Lisa Suckert joined the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Antwerp in mid-November. As associate professor of social theory and cultural sociology in UAntwerp’s Department of Sociology, she teaches general and cultural sociology while continuing to pursue her main research interests to date. more

Fritz W. Scharpf to Receive DVPW Lifetime Achievement Award

Fritz W. Scharpf, emeritus director at the MPIfG, is to receive the first ever lifetime achievement award to be conferred by the German Political Science Association (DVPW). The award will be presented on September 26 during this year’s DVPW congress at the University of Göttingen. more

Honorary Doctorates for Renate Mayntz and Fritz W. Scharpf

Renate Mayntz and Fritz W. Scharpf, emeritus directors at the MPIfG, have been awarded honorary doctorates by the Hertie School. Its president, Cornelia Woll, praised the two directors for inspiring “generations of scholars and policymakers” with their research and shaping “how we think about our capacity to steer politics and society.” more

New MPIfG Book: <em>Failure by Design</em> by Georg Rilinger

August saw the publication with Chicago University Press of Failure by Design: The California Energy Crisis and the Limits of Market Planning by Georg Rilinger. In his book, the former MPIfG postdoc develops a new theoretical framework for studying markets as the product of organizational planning and for understanding the limits of market design. more

Robin Hetzel Elected Doctoral Spokesperson

In August of this year, the IMPRS-SPCE doctoral researchers elected Robin Hetzel to be their new spokesperson. more

<span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span>ERC Starting Grant for Lisa Suckert</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span>

Economic sociologist Lisa Suckert has been awarded a prestigious Starting Grant by the European Research Council (ERC) amounting to around 1.5 million euros for her research project "REIMAGINE - Understanding the Role of Economic Imagination for Advancing Decarbonization in Europe." more

Alumni Reception at SASE conference in Limerick

On June 28, the MPIfG’s sixth alumni reception took place at the annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) in Limerick. Away from the hectic activity of the conference, the reception was an opportunity for around 60 former and current MPIfG researchers to meet in a relaxed atmosphere, network, and make new connections. more

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