MPIfG Research Magazine Gesellschaftsforschung 2/23 Out Now

As investment and private equity firms increasingly dominate the corporate landscape, both internationally and in Germany, the power relations between the rich and the rest of society – employees, companies, and the state – are shifting. In the lead article of the latest issue of Gesellschaftsforschung, which was published in December 2023, MPIfG senior researcher Benjamin Braun presents his current research on the political economy of the financial and monetary system. The opinion piece is by Andrés López Rivera, who makes a case for extending the international debate on evaluating CO2 removals to include non-economic as well as economic values. The journalist Caspar Dohmen contributes to the current issue with a portrait of Karen Shire, professor at the University of Duisburg-Essen and a member of the IMPRS-SPCE faculty. In his profile he explores her motivation to research the transformation of transnational employment and labor relations. In the “where are they now” section (Was macht eigentlich …), MPIfG alum Helen Callaghan, today a professor for political economy at the University of Mainz, looks back on the nine productive years she spent at the MPIfG.
The German-language research magazine Gesellschaftsforschung is published twice a year in print and online. It is free of charge and available to download, in print, and by email subscription.