MPIfG Journal Articles

Articles by MPIfG researchers that have previously been published in peer-reviewed journals are published online in the MPIfG Journal Articles series. The series also includes articles by visiting scholars that originate during their stay at the Institute.

The Max Planck Society promotes open access and seeks to make research results freely available. Thanks to the MPG's growing number of centrally contracted open access agreements and use of the second publication right, the majority of MPIfG Journal Articles are available here as publicly accessible PDF versions. Authors can usually also provide a version of a text on request.

Losing Ground: Business Power, Standardized Assets and the Regulation of Land Acquisition Taxes in Germany and Sweden. In: Socio-Economic Review, 2024.
Platform Work Meets Flexicurity: A Comparison between Danish and Dutch Social Partners’ Responses to the Question of Platform Workers’ Contract Classification. In: European Journal of Industrial Relations, 2024.
Stausholm, Saila Naomi, Javier Garcia-Bernardo
Unfollow the Money: Mapping the Micro Agents of International Tax. In: Review of International Political Economy, 2024.
Sectors versus Borders: Interest Group Cleavages and Struggles over Corporate Governance in the Age of Asset Management. In: Socio-Economic Review, 2024.
Operationalizing Growth Models. In: Quality & Quantity 58(2), 2024, 1325–1360.
Di Carlo, Donato, Christian Lyhne Ibsen, Oscar Molina
The New Political Economy of Public Sector Wage-Setting in Europe: Introduction to the Special Issue. In: European Journal of Industrial Relations 30(1), 2024, 5–30.
Di Carlo, Donato, Oscar Molina
Same Same but Different? The Mediterranean Growth Regime and Public Sector Wage-Setting before and after the Sovereign Debt Crisis. In: European Journal of Industrial Relations 30(1), 2024, 31–53.
Growth Models and Central Banking: Dominant Coalitions, Organizational Sense-Making, and Conservative Policy Innovations at the Bundesbank and Fed. In: Review of International Political Economy 31(1), 2024, 124–148.
Verfallende Infrastruktur bei Rekordeinnahmen: Eine Institutionssoziologie bundesdeutscher Haushaltspolitik. In: Berliner Journal für Soziologie 34(1), 2024, 103–128.
Wansleben, Leon, Nils Neumann
Entrepreneurs beyond Neoliberalism: Municipally Owned Corporations and Climate Change Mitigation in German Cities. In: Urban Studies 61(5), 2024, 799–820.
Varieties of Wealth: Toward a Comparative Sociology of Wealth Inequality. In: Socio-Economic Review, 2023.
Stamm, Isabell, Fabian Bernhard, Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Baris Istipliler
Marriage: An Institution You Cannot Disparage? Evidence on the Marriage Norms of Entrepreneurs. In: Small Business Economics, 2023.
Stamm, Isabell, Lena Schürmann, Katharina Scheidgen
Market Dependence as a Boundary Construction for Work Solidarity with the Solo Self-Employed. In: Work, Employment and Society, 2023.
Lillie, Karen, Claire Maxwell
Practices of Consumption: Cohesion and Distinction within a Globally Wealthy Group. In: Sociology, 2023.
Back to the Basics: Applying Multilingual Dictionary Analysis to the Comparative Manifesto Project Corpus. In: Computational Communication Research 5(2), 2023.
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