Hanna Doose Receives Doctorate

November 21, 2024

Hanna Doose, a doctoral researcher at the IMPRS-SPCE, defended her dissertation, “Rentiers and their Frontiers: The Power Struggles Surrounding Land as an Asset,” at the University of Cologne on November 14. Doose’s dissertation examines the financialization of land and its effects on the political and economic power structures of institutional owners, focusing on the dynamics created by embedding land in financial markets and their influence on corporate strategies and power alliances. The aim of the dissertation was to deepen the understanding of financialization processes, liquidity differences, and the spatial dimension of this asset class. Methodologically, Doose took a qualitative approach using case studies, expert interviews, and document analyses. She follows her time at the IMPRS-SPCE with a postdoctoral position at the MPIfG until the beginning of 2026.

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