Lisa Suckert Awarded venia legendi for Sociology

On April 9, Lisa Suckert, a senior researcher at the MPIfG since 2016, successfully completed her habilitation and received the venia legendi for sociology from the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences of Hamburg University. Her cumulative habilitation thesis, “Krisenzeiten: Wirtschaftssoziologische Perspektiven auf Zeitlichkeit, Zeithorizonte und Zukunftsvorstellungen im Kontext gesellschaftlicher Krisen,” is a collection of ten publications exploring different economic sociology perspectives on temporality, time horizons, and future imaginaries in the context of social crisis. In her habilitation lecture she showed how economic sociology can contribute to a better understanding of the socioeconomic dimensions of war. Suckert researches at the intersection of economic and political sociology, with a particular focus on the political and social constitution of modern capitalism. Her current work on temporality and future imaginaries in the context of crises is highly relevant in today’s fast-moving and uncertain world.