Summer Conference of DGS Economic Sociology Section

The MPIfG was the venue for this year’s summer conference of the Economic Sociology Section of the German Sociological Association (DGS) on June 15 and 16. Fifteen scholars attended “Krisenwirtschaft, Kriegswirtschaft: Wirtschaftssoziologie in Zeiten des Umbruchs” in Cologne to discuss the challenges of the present “age of crisis.” The coronavirus pandemic and the Russian war on Ukraine have disrupted established economic practices, brought economic hardship, and revealed the fragility of the socioeconomic structure. Faced with this turmoil, economic sociology must also explore the extent to which traditional concepts still apply and whether sociology is in need of reorientation. The conference presentations and discussions centered on these fundamental questions. The event was organized by Lisa Suckert (MPIfG), Sarah Lenz (University of Hamburg), and Uwe Vormbusch (Fernuniversität Hagen).