New Issue of Gesellschaftsforschung
As wealth inequality increases, so too does sociological research interest in wealthy families as powerful social actors. In the latest issue of the MPIfG’s German-language magazine Gesellschaftsforschung, group leader of the Business, Ownership, and Family Wealth research group Isabell Stamm presents her research on wealthy dynastic families in contemporary capitalism. She shows that these families are by no means a relic of the past and that even in times of individualization and equal rights, of increasingly powerful financial markets and new technologies, they are able as the owners of medium-sized and large companies to help shape the German economy. In the current issue’s opinion piece, Guadalupe Moreno, a former MPIfG doctoral researcher and now postdoc at Goethe University Frankfurt, explains why inflation in the eurozone has not yet been tackled at its root. Another MPIfG alum, Achim Goerres, describes in a regular feature spotlighting a member of the wider MPIfG community (“Was macht eigentlich …”) how his time at the MPIfG as a postdoc helped shape both his career trajectory and his current work at the University of Duisburg-Essen. The research magazine Gesellschaftsforschung is published twice a year. Copies are available free of charge in print or by download from the MPIfG website. Readers can register to be informed as soon as a new issue is published by signing up for the newsletter.