MPIfG Annual Colloquium 2022: Climate Change and Democracy

September 14, 2022

The MPIfG is holding its 15th Annual Colloquium in Cologne on November 3 and 4, 2022. At the event, experts from the fields of research, business, and politics will consider climate change and how the pressure to adapt affects the stability and innovativeness of the Western economic and social model. Phasing out coal, higher CO2 prices, and the need for massive investment across almost all sectors bring with them some fundamental governance and distribution problems.

Michèle Knodt (TU Darmstadt) will open the event with an analysis of the challenges of governance for German and European climate policy. She will be joined by Rebecca Elliot (London School of Economics), Philippa Sigl-Glöckner (Dezernat Zukunft), and MPIfG alums Roland Czada (University of Osnabrück), Reiner Grundmann (University of Nottingham) and Andrés López Rivera (University of Hamburg); Martin Drews (Wirtschaftsverband Papierindustrie NRW), Silke Krebs (MWIKE NRW), Dr. Reinhard Loske (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik), and Simon Müller (Agora Energiewende). In their presentations and panels the contributors will discuss how political, economic, and societal actors are working under pressure to bring about change, mobilize resources, distribute burdens, and balance potentially conflicting objectives. The Annual Colloquium is a public event that is organized jointly by the Institute and the Society of Friends and Former Associates of the MPIfG.

Program (PDF)

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