Podcasts of the Scholar in Residence Lectures

Mark Schwartz | Scholar in Residence Lecture 3: The Dollar and Its (Lack of) Rivals: A Balance Sheet of Imperial Monetary Power

This last lecture considers challenges to the US dollar from the yen, euro, and renminbi, as well as the possibility… more

Mark Schwartz | Scholar in Residence Lecture 2: Contradictions and Dynamics of Global Quasi-State Money: Triffin Reloaded

This lecture walks through six contradictions or antinomies, expanding on and updating the original contradiction… more

Mark Schwartz | Scholar in Residence Lecture 1: Money(s) and Empire - The US Dollar as Global Quasi-State Money

This lecture counterposes metallist and chartalist views on money, as manifested through the “North American” and… more

Karen Shire | Scholar in Residence Lecture 3: Trafficked, Forced, and Informalized Labor

Karen Shire | University of Duisburg-EssenScholar in Residence Lecture Part 3While the discussion of regulatory… more

Karen Shire | Scholar in Residence Lecture 2: Cross-Border Labor Market Intermediaries

In this second lecture Shire draws on global historical research to show how the creation and maintenance of an… more

Karen Shire | Scholar in Residence Lecture 1: Theorizing Regulatory Challenges of Transnational Labor

While national economies may rely on different growth models, they are all going through a similar “digital… more

Armin Schäfer | The Populist Revolt

In contrast to the predominant explanations, this final lecture offers a view that focuses on "representation losers"… more

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