Podcasts and Videos

Recordings of the MPIfG Lectures and Contributions from the Annual Colloquium

Peter Wagner | The Social Logic of Fossil Fuels

The main cause of the climate crisis is the burning of fossil fuels. This talk will turn the… more

Gil Eyal | Trust Methods: Accounting for Who, What, When, and How to Trust

What is trust and how should it be studied? In his talk, Gil Eyal argues against conventional… more

Kimberly Morgan | Building State Power through Border Control and Immigration Enforcement

We live in an age of migration, and of migration control. Global mobility and the political… more

Basak Kus | There Is More to It Than the Repeal of Glass-Steagall

SiR Lecture Series 2024 - 2 more

Basak Kus | Counting Backwards from the US Financial Crisis

SiR Lecture Series 2024 - 1 more

Michael Wilkinson | The End of History and the Last European

In his talk, Michael A. Wilkinson reflects on postwar Europe from the perspective of the long durée… more

Zsófia Barta | The Logic of Credit

Zsófia Barta | The Logic of Credit

Podcast January 10, 2024

The lecture will explain how rating agencies award sovereign ratings; why they impose penalties on… more

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Basak Kus | There Is More to It Than the Repeal of Glass-Steagall

SiR Lecture Series 2024 - 2 more

Basak Kus | Counting Backwards from the US Financial Crisis

SiR Lecture Series 2024 - 1 more

Institutstag 2022 | Klimawandel und Demokratie

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Peter Wagner | The Social Logic of Fossil Fuels

The main cause of the climate crisis is the burning of fossil fuels. This talk will turn the… more

Gil Eyal | Trust Methods: Accounting for Who, What, When, and How to Trust

What is trust and how should it be studied? In his talk, Gil Eyal argues against conventional… more

Kimberly Morgan | Building State Power through Border Control and Immigration Enforcement

We live in an age of migration, and of migration control. Global mobility and the political… more

Michael Wilkinson | The End of History and the Last European

In his talk, Michael A. Wilkinson reflects on postwar Europe from the perspective of the long durée… more

Zsófia Barta | The Logic of Credit

Zsófia Barta | The Logic of Credit

Podcast January 10, 2024

The lecture will explain how rating agencies award sovereign ratings; why they impose penalties on… more

Laura Seelkopf | The Politics of Climate Taxation

There is broad consensus about the need for an effective climate policy. Based on a series of… more

Dorothee Bohle | Under the Radar: Women in (Comparative) Political Economy

The talk takes builds on the opportunity offered by of the first Max Planck Summer School for Women… more

Simone Dietrich | States, Markets, and Foreign Aid

Why do some donor governments pursue international development through recipient governments, while… more

Mark Schwartz | Scholar in Residence Lecture 3: The Dollar and Its (Lack of) Rivals: A Balance Sheet of Imperial Monetary Power

This last lecture considers challenges to the US dollar from the yen, euro, and renminbi, as well… more

Mark Schwartz | Scholar in Residence Lecture 2: Contradictions and Dynamics of Global Quasi-State Money: Triffin Reloaded

This lecture walks through six contradictions or antinomies, expanding on and updating the original… more

Mark Schwartz | Scholar in Residence Lecture 1: Money(s) and Empire - The US Dollar as Global Quasi-State Money

This lecture counterposes metallist and chartalist views on money, as manifested through the “North… more

Biao Xiang | The Privatization of Ambition in China

How has individual ambition – the desire to improve one’s life chances – driven China’s remarkable… more

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