Prof. Dr. Lucio Baccaro
Winter 2021/2022
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
Integrating CPE and IPE Perspectives in the Study of Comparative Capitalism
Master Class
Winter 2020/2021
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
Economy and Society I
Doctoral Seminar
Winter 2019/2020
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
Economy and Society I
Doctoral Seminar
Winter 2018/2019
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
Economy and Society I
Doctoral Seminar
Fall 2018
Geneva School of Social Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Comparative Capitalism
MA level
Fall 2017
Geneva School of Social Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Sociologie politique
BA level
Fall 2017
Geneva School of Social Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Comparative Capitalism
MA level
Fall 2017
Geneva School of Social Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Comparative Labor Markets
MA level
Geneva School of Social Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Comparative Sociology of Labor Markets
MA level
Geneva School of Social Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Sociologie politique (in French)
BA level
since 2012
Geneva School of Social Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Research design pour les sciences sociales (in French)
BA level
since 2012
Geneva School of Social Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Négociation et délibération (in French)
BA level
since 2011
Geneva School of Social Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Sociology of Contemporary Capitalism
MA level
since 2010
Geneva School of Social Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Epistémologie des sciences sociales (in French)
BA level
Geneva School of Social Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Governance and Public Policy
MA level
Geneva School of Social Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Atelier 2 – L’étude empirique de la délibération: l’Assemblée Constituante de Genève (in French)
MA level
Geneva School of Social Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Atelier 2 – L’étude empirique de la délibération: l’Assemblée Constituante de Genève (in French)
MA level
Geneva School of Social Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Structures: Trajectories of Corporatist Policy-Making in Western Europe
MA level
Geneva School of Social Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Are There Different Models of Capitalism?
MA level
Geneva School of Social Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Régulations sociales (in French)
BA level
Geneva School of Social Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Epistémologie des sciences sociales (in French)
BA level
Spring 2009
Geneva School of Social Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Politiques sociales (in French)
BA level, co-taught with S. Cattacin
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge/MA, USA
Power and Negotiation
MBA, elective
Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), Cleveland/OH, USA
MBA, elective
Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), Cleveland/OH, USA
Labor Problems: Basic American Industrial Relations
undergraduate, core curriculum
Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), Cleveland/OH, USA
Human Value in Organizations
basic OB/HRM course; MBA, core curriculum
Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), Cleveland/OH, USA
Contemporary Problems in Human Resource Management
MBA, elective
Stoa', Ercolano, Italy
Comparative Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management
MBA, core curriculum