Prof. Dr. Jens BeckertAll Publications

Prof. Dr. Jens Beckert
All Publications

Contribution to a Collected edition (2)

Contribution to a Collected edition
Beckert, J.: Die Kritik am Marktliberalismus als einer Konzeption "guter Gesellschaft". In: Die beste aller Welten? Marktliberalismus versus Wohlfahrtsstaat: Eine Kontroverse, pp. 35 - 58 (Ed. Mayer, K. U.). Campus Verlag, Frankfurt a.M. (2001)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Beckert, J.: Contract and Social Justice: Emile Durkheim's Theory of Integration of Modern Societies. In: Emile Durkheim: Critical Assessments of Leading Sociologists: Volume IV, Vol. 4, pp. 290 - 311 (Ed. Pickering, W. S. F.). London, Routledge (2001)

Contribution to a Handbook (1)

Contribution to a Handbook
Joas, H.; Beckert, J.: Action Theory. In: Handbook of Sociological Theory, pp. 269 - 285 (Ed. Turner, J. H.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York (2001)

Issue (3)

Beckert, J. (Ed.): Sociology of Money (Special issue). Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter 3, (1) (2001), 47 pp.
Beckert, J.; Swedberg, R. (Eds.): Symposium: The Return of Economic Sociology in Europe (Special issue). European Journal of Social Theory 4, (4) (2001), 379-535 pp.
Swedberg, R.; Beckert, J. (Eds.): New Economic Sociology in Europe (Special issue). European Societies 3, (1) (2001), 1-130 p.
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